Varlaam School is a community benchmark that never stops learning, cultivating its talents and life purpose in an Orthodox spirit, contributing to the development of an inspirational Romania of tomorrow.
We inspire people to uncover and cultivate their greatness.
Excellence and responsibility
The greatness we pride ourselves with, as educators, depends on our capacity to see the greatness in those that we teach. Those that we teach end up exactly the way we see them. The prodigy student will be able to tackle our assigned challenges and will have faith he can solve them. The troubled student will respond to our frustration and fear. The puzzle student will respond to our genuine faith in God. We believe in a personalized education that develops the cognitive dimension (IQ), as well as the emotional (EQ) one that always has at the core the spiritual dimension (SQ). All three are essential to the fulfillment of our lives.
Behind every subject that I’m deeply fond of, there’s a person that, at some point, loved me. The learning process is interconnected and directly linked to others. The quality and quantity of the learning depend on the quality of the relationships we have with the people we learn with. Building a community based on school-student, student-student parent-student, parent-parent, school-parent, school-church, parent-church, etc., relationship is essential to us because it inspires learning. Education is the backbone that ensures our existence and the future of the community. Varlaam School is the meeting space of a community that wants to teach and strive to be better for a 21st-century Romania, in a lively Orthodox spirit.
Learning shouldn’t be taken for granted. It matters because it takes place amid hearts and minds. The best moments are those that make us feel the desire to discover and learn in the presence of those we teach. Our talents and needs inspire us, and our learning inspires theirs. For us, uncovering talents and cultivating the seven key competencies needed for success in the 21st-century paves the way for ongoing development and transformation of our entire educational team at Varlaam School.
The seven key competencies that we follow in Secondary School are: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Collaboration and Personal Leadership, Curiosity and Creativity, Agility and Adaptibility, Initiative and Perseverence, Written, Verbal and Multimedia Communication, Information Access and Analysis.
Rog pe Dumnezeu ca aici, la Şcoala Varlaam Mitropolitul să se întâlnească frumos şi autentic dorul părinţilor pentru o educaţie aleasă a copiilor, priceperea unui dascal de seamă şi duhul creştin, adică Familia, Şcoala şi Biserica deopotrivă.
Mitropolitul Moldovei şi Bucovinei
Noi nu am avut posibilitatea să mergem la o şcoală ca Şcoala Varlaam Mitropolitul. Voi fi însă foarte mulţumit dacă, peste ani de zile mă voi întâlni cu un absolvent al acesteia care îmi va spune, bucuros şi nostalgic: Şi eu am fost la Şcoala Varlaam.
Consilier Învăţământ Arhiepiscopia Iaşilor
Școala „Varlaam Mitropolitul” este autorizată de Agenția Română de Asigurare a Calității în Învățământul Preuniversitar (ARACIP) și de Ministerul Educație Naționale (MEN) din 2010. Grădinița „Varlaam Mitropolitul” este acreditată de ARACIP și MEN din 2012. Nivelul Primar este acreditat de ARACIP și MEN din 2016.
Aplicăm metodologia Mentalității Deschise în Educație, dezvoltată de Institutul Arbinger din SUA, având profesori absolvenți ai formărilor de „Mentalitatea deschisă în educație” și directori certificați internațional de Arbinger Institute.
Școala noastră este Centru Cambridge pentru pregătirea examenelor Cambridge ESOL.
Școala „Varlaam Mitropolitul” este școală parteneră în două proiecte Erasmus +, în unul fiind coordonator: Europe 1 to 4: Learning through new methodologies (Belgia, Spania, România) și Sharing our Treasures for a better future (România, Polonia, Spania, Portugalia, Italia, Grecia, Cipru).
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